Argentinian and Colombian Women Sexiest in World, Macedonian, Second Best

Argentinian and Colombian Women Sexiest in World, Macedonian, Second Best Kristina Spasenoska was declared the most beatiful Macedonian at the 2013 pageant. Photo

Argentina and Colombia are among the countries with the hottest and sexiest women in the world, says TargetMap, a website that handles all kinds of data, surveys and trends, displayed on maps, Merco Press informs.

Latvia and Estonia are also on the map of the most appealing women, based on physical and sexual attraction. Under the project, the degree of attraction was divided into five categories and from the TargetMap display, women from Latin America and the Baltic states are exceptional.

Argentina, Colombia, Estonia and Latvia are marked intense green in the map, which is the best category, signifying "very sexy". The second degree, defined as "sexy" features Macedonia and it includes most countries of Eastern Europe: the Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Russia and Ukraine.

Sweden is the only country in Western Europe that fits the "very sexy" category.

Other countries with "sexy" women are Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, Brazil and Venezuela, Asia, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea and Vietnam, Merco Press conveys.

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